Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Percent Organic Matter


  • The lab partners found the mass of a crucible.
  • 3/4 of the crucible was filled with soil.
  • The weight was taken again.
  • The crucible was put in the fume hood on a clay triangle.
  • The Bunsen burner was turned on by the lab partners and the crucible was put over it for 30 min
  • The Bunsen burner was taken out and weighed again.

  • A lot of smoke was put off the crucible, which means a lot of organic material was burned off.
  • The crucible was charred around the inside.
  • The crucible seemed lighter after the Bunsen burner.
  • The soil lost a lost of color after the test and turned white.

The crucible was being charred
Smoke is being burned into the air
% organic matter:

37.76 grams (Before heating) - 32.62 grams (After Heating) = 5.14 grams of organic matter

5.14 Grams of Organic Matter / 37.76 grams of total soil * 100 to make a % = 13.61% organic matter

It is necessary for the soil and the crucible to be measured so the crucible's weight can be subtracted from the overall weight to leave only the soil's weight less. This is a way to increase accuracy when measuring so correct data is collected.

It is very important to have organic materials in soil. 1. Organic matter is a reservoir of nutrients that can be released to the soil. This helps plants grow and survive. 2. 
Organic matter behaves somewhat like a sponge, with the ability to absorb and hold up to 90 percent of its weight in water. A great advantage of the water-holding capacity of organic matter is that the matter will release most of the water that it absorbs to plants. 3. Organic matter causes soil to clump and form soil aggregates, which improves soil structure. With better soil structure, permeability improves, in result improvs the soil's ability to take up and hold water.

Soil Dry Percolation Rate

Soil Percolation Rate: the measure of how fast water flows through dry soil

1.  All materials were retrieved. The materials included filter paper, scissors, soil, sand, clay, a 16 oz water bottle, water, beakers, a timer, a ruler, and a calculator.
2. Scissors were used to cut the top of the water bottle off.  A line  was cut around the top of the label all around the circumference of the water bottle.
3. The top part of the water bottle that was cut of in Step 2 was flipped upside down, and placed inside of the top of the water bottle.  The top of the water bottle was used as a funnel.
4. A small piece of filter paper was placed inside of the funnel. The filter paper was dispersed in a circular shape.
5. 1 cm of soil sample was placed at the bottom of the funnel.
6. 1 cm of the sand and 1 cm ofclay sample were placed inside of the funnel. The sand was placed on top of the sand.
7. Water was filled up into the 250 mL beaker.
8. Small amounts of water were poured into the funnel, until the amount of water at the bottom of the water bottle was measurable.
9. The percolation rate of the water flowing through the soil and sand samples was timed with a timer.
10. Observations of the soil sample, sand sample, and percolation rate were recorded.
11.  The percolation rate of the dry soil was calculated.
12. Steps 3 through 11 were repeated two more times.  A total of three trials occurred within the lab.


Sample 1: Water drips with small pieces of soil from the funnel.
Sample 2: The water is clearer in color than sample one.
Sample 3: The water is the clearest out of all the samples. There are not as many soil, sand, or clay particles in the water.

Percolation Rate Calculations

Percolation rate=Area of water per surface area (in cubic cm)/Time (in seconds)

Sample 1

Surface Area=127.23 cm3
Time=5 seconds

PR=127.23 cm/5 seconds

PR= 25.45 cubic cm

Sample 2

SA=127.23 cubic cm
Time= 4 seconds

PR= 127.23 cm/4 seconds

PR= 31.81 cubic cm

Sample 3

SA=127.23 cubic cm
Time= 6  seconds

PR=127.23 cm/6 seconds

PR=21.21 cubic cm

  • The percolation rate of each value was different. However, the difference in range between the values was by five or ten numbers.  The surface area for each sample was the same, but the time varied per sample.  

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Soil Texture Test

Soil Texture Test

Qualitative Procedure

1) A wad of soil was squeezed between the thumb and forefinger.
2) Water was added because the soil was not moist and formed into a ball.

Types of Soils
  • Mostly sandy if soil feels gritty and can not form a ribbon.
  • Mostly clay if soil feels sticky and can from a long, unbroken ribbon.
  • Mostly silt if the soil is neither gritty or sticky and can be squeezed into short ribbon.

1)  The group determined that the soil was mostly mulch because it was made up on mostly organic matter. The soil, even when moist, was not able to be formed into a ball because of the large pieces. It did not feel sticky but somewhat gritty and was not able to form a ribbon.

Quantitative procedure

1) The group placed 60 mL of soil in the 100 mL cylinder.
2) Water was added to the soil until  it was completely saturated. Then water was added until it reached the 100 mL mark.
3) A hand cover the top of the cylinder as it was shaken, for a minute, until the soil and water were completely mixed. Large lumps were then broken up.
4) The graduated cylinder was kept out for 24 hours to let soils settle out.
5) In cm the height of each layer and the total height of the sample was measured. Sand particles settle out first as the bottom layer. Silt was the middle layer and the tiny clay particles settled on top.


1) Total= 16.3 cm
2) Sand- 4.5cm/16.3cm= 27.6%
3) Silt-9cm/16.3cm= 55.2%
4) Clay-2.8cm/16.3cm= 17.2%

  • According to the triangle the soil is clay, sandy loam and silt loam. In the qualitative data we did not come up with this result it was said  that our soil was mulch. The soil is consistent with the percolation test because  the water ran through the soil faster than the one with added sand. Our soil had the most  organic matter in our class. Some soils were a potting soil very rich in nutrients and another contained a lot of clay. Different soils form from the different animals and weather that impact and interact with it. There are different types because every soil has  different types of plants it needs to support. The plants probably would prefer an environment with more organic matter considering that made up the majority of our soil.

Day 1

Day 2

Soil Moisture

Soil Moisture

  1. The lab partners made a small tray out of aluminum foil.
  2. The tray was weighed
  3. Soil was added to the tray to just cover the bottom layer
  4. The soil and tray were weighed together
  5. The tray was picked up and put into a drying oven.
  6. 24 hours after the tray was put into the drying oven, the tray was taken out.
  7. The tray and soil were weighed again and the mass was recorded

Before Drying
After Drying
Percent Water:

55.68 grams of soil (before drying) - 37.76 grams of soil (after drying) = 17.92 grams of water evaporated

17.92 grams of water evaporated / 55.68 total grams of soil and moisture x 100 = 32.18% water

Soil Moisture Vs, Soil Texture

The silty soil held a lot of moisture. Almost a third of the soil was water(moisture). This makes sense as sand does not hold much moisture and clay hold even more moisture then silt. Since silt is a mix of sand a clay it would make sense it is in the middle of their moisture capabilities. Howeve a lot of our soil was mulch. Mulch is specially designed to keep in water to help plants grow. This high percentage of water is shown as 32% of the soil was water.

Yes, there is a correlation between soil moisture and texture. Throughout our class tests and results, the sandy based soil did not hold as much moisture.  The silt, which is a combination of clay and sand held the most average amount of moisture while the clay held the most moisture.

Monday, October 29, 2012



Salinization shows the effects of salt levels in the soil. Salinization is a problem wherever irrigation is used in arid areas.


1) The bag was labeled with the test solution, 4 grams,with the lab group number and the period.
2)  Five seeds were placed on a paper towel. The towel was folded over and placed in the bag.
3) 4 grams of salt was weighed using a balance. 100mL of water was mixed with the salt and stir until salt was dissolved.
4) Then 20mL of salt solution was poured into the zip lock bag. The bag was sealed, leaving a small opening for exchange of gases, to avoid evaporation.
5) The seeds were checked daily for 5 days, while recording data in the table.


  • I was not able to upload day 4 but the results showed that our beans grew the most rather than the beans with little salt. An overly salty soil could be remediated by Desalt Plus containing stabilized Calcium, Ammonium, Potassium which allow the salcontamination to be flushed away.

Day 1            

  • The towel was still damp                                                                                  Day 3
  • Plants started to sprout
  • Color tan/ white.                                                                    1) Awful smell from bag
2)  Damp towel
3) Beans and roots growing bigger and  longer
4) Green tips, tan/white / brown bran


Day 2


  • Beans beginning to grow
  • Slight green color on the tip
  • Roots  growing longer
  • Bed smell from the bag
  • Towel is still damp


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Soil Porosity

Soil Porosity

Soil porosity-the amount of air space in a sample of soil


  1. All materials were retrieved.  The materials included a 250 mL beaker, a 100mL beaker, water, and soil.
  2. The 250 mL beaker was filled with dry soil up to the 200 mL mark.
  3. The soil in the beaker was tapped down gently inside of the beaker with the scientist's hands.
  4. The 100 mL graduated cylinder beaker was filled with water up to the 100 mL line.
  5. The water in the 100 mL beaker was gently poured onto the surface of the soil until the soil was completely saturated and until the water pooled up onto the soil's surface.
  6. The amount of water that was left in the graduated cylinder beaker was measured. 
  7. Measurements and observations of the soil porosity were recorded. 
  8. The soil porosity was calculated and compared to the volume of the dry soil. All work was shown. 
  9. The wet soil was discarded in the garbage, and all materials were cleaned up. 

    • Small pieces of wood chips were present in the soil.
    • Water filled up the beaker with soil slowly.
    • The water made the soil have a solid texture.
    • The water made the soil more compact at the bottom of the beaker. 

    Calculations/ Results

    Porosity=Volume of void space/Total volume of the solid

    Porosity=50 mL/250 mL


    Soil Porosity=.2 m3

    • 11mL out of the 100mL weren't poured into  the beaker. The pore space of the sample was about 89mL.

    Soil Analysis Lab Intro


              Soil is made up of four main components.  Soil is 45% rock particles, 25% water, 25% air, and 5% leaves.  The major difference between soil and dirt is that soil is alive, and dirt is dead.  Soil is formed from five important factors.  Soil is formed from parent material, climate, living organisms, topography, and time.  The major factors that are examined in soil texture include geological factors, soil color, texture, and structure.  Soil color can be an indicator of the past environmental conditions that the soil has experienced.  Soil structure can tell you how healthy soil is, and the pH of soil can tell you the sweetness or sourness of the soil.  The soil in our area is very rich and fertile.
              There are several similarities and differences between the soil in our area and the soil in Hawaii, Georgia, and Arizona.  Soil from every part of our country experiences different changes in climate, and can adapt to different conditions.  The soil in Hawaii is different from the soil in our area because the soil in Hawaii is more diverse.  The soil in Hawaii varies in different islands, and is dry in coastal lowlands.  The soil in Georgia is red, and is dryer due to the humid climate.  The soil in Arizona is very dry because the soil is located in deserts.  All types of soil in these regions are composed of the same elements.  The soil in Hawaii, Georgia, and Arizona is dryer than the soil in our area.
               Farmers or anyone interested in growing plants should be interested in soil analysis for various reasons.  Soil analysis provides a great deal of benefits for anybody who I interested in planting.  Two social reasons why soil analysis is beneficial is that people who plant know more information about soil, and they can help other people who plant.  Two economic benefits for being knowledgable on soil analysis is being able to grow more plants or crops, and making more profit if you are a farmer.  Knowing about soil analysis not only helps you as a soil scientist, but it also helps the environment.