Thursday, November 15, 2012



1) A cup was filled with the soil and the soil fertility analysis was looked over.
2) The soil had a pH of 7.5, high in nitrogen, medium in potassium and low in phosphorus.
3) Garden Lime, Mushroom Compost, and Miracle Grow were all added to the soil.

Soil Deficiences of original composition/Changes made to the soil

The group added Garden Lime fertilizer to the soil because it is more acidic which means it will bring the pH down. Mushroom compost was added because even though the soil already had organic matter in it it was mostly mulch and it added more nutrients to the soil. Also the compost increase water-holding compacity of the soil so it was only watered every 2-3 days and soil was very silty. To add more pattassium to the soil Miracle Grow was added as well as to make sure the plant will grow bigger.

Results and Correlations Between Tests
Since there were no organisms found in the soil sample the group did not find any correlations with the soil fetility analysis but can infer that the organisms that lived in it survived well in those conditions. The results of the soil fertility test helped determine what ingredients should be added to the soil in order for it to grow crops. Also the soil texture test results related to the soil moisture so the group was able to see a pattern and detemine the type of soil. It is expected that the soil that was remediated will grow the best crops.

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